Spaniard Untamed Read online

Page 13

  “What was that? I didn’t quite hear you.”

  “I said yes!” she yelled for all the world to hear. “I will marry you,” she confirmed in desperation when he paused. “But I have to tell you that if you continue to tease me like this, we may never get out of the shower.”

  “Not until you wear my ring,” he agreed, angling his stubble-shaded chin to give her a wicked grin. “Oh, and this ring too.”

  “Another ring?” she said as he lowered her to the ground.

  “But not for your finger,” he said as opened his fist to reveal the diamond hoop.

  “That’s a wicked gift.”

  “And the first of many, I suspect,” Diego suggested.

  She stared in wonder as he slipped the fabulous jeweled band onto her marriage finger. She’d never owned such fabulous jewels before. She’d never owned anything before. She’d never experienced such wicked sex before. She’d never been loved before. “I don’t know what to say,” she admitted.

  “How about, I love you?” he suggested with a wry smile.

  And then he devoured her with kisses and gave her all the pleasure she could wish for, and when he finally released her, he got down on one knee. Taking both her hands in his, he asked, “What have I done to deserve this?”

  “Been a very bad boy?” she suggested.

  As Diego grinned, she saw the love she’d been searching for all her life reflected in his eyes. “I love you with all my heart,” she said, “and I promise I will learn to be a lady.”

  “Don’t you dare change into anything,” he insisted. “Ladies don’t do this, or this—”


  “Don’t change a single thing,” he whispered against her mouth an instant before he took her again, “because I love you just the way you are.”


  “How did this happen?” Celina asked Amber. She was staring at her transformation from ordinary girl to extraordinarily loved-up woman. She was about to marry the man of her dreams and was checking her reflection in the full-length mirror in her guest suite at Amber and Alexei’s fabulous beachside home. Alexei had offered to walk her down the aisle when Amber had refused the chance, saying she would never ever give Celina away, though she would be more than happy to act as a bridesmaid.

  “You fell in love,” Amber told her with a shrug. “You didn’t just get in touch with your emotions,” she added with an approving grin. “You slammed them to the canvas and pinned them down for a count of ten.”

  “Hugged them tight,” Celina whispered distractedly as Amber swooped down to arrange the delicate Swiss lace train that flowed from the chic Parisian gown Diego’s colleagues on the Blood and Thunder team had insisted they would buy as a wedding gift for her, to thank Celina for what they said was her invaluable contribution to the team. Even the sternest of them, Cesar, had added that she more than deserved it.

  “You look absolutely beautiful,” Amber murmured as she straightened up.

  Stepping back, Amber took one final critical look at her handiwork. “When Diego sees you, even forever won’t be long enough. Diego!” Amber exclaimed as the door flew open to admit one bona fide Spanish grandee, looking like the master of the sexual universe. Dressed in the sharpest of suits with the neck of his crisp white shirt left unconventionally open to expose his deep bronze tan, Diego had arrived to see his bride, and though Amber tried to stop him, even the hounds of hell couldn’t do that.

  “What are you doing here?” Celina exclaimed. “You know you’re not supposed to see your bride before the ceremony.”

  “Rules don’t apply to us,” he insisted, homing in on Celina as he strode purposefully across the room.

  When they stared at each other, she believed him.

  “I couldn’t wait,” he said, lips pressing down dismissively as Amber discreetly made herself scarce.

  “Neither can I,” Celina admitted softly as she reached for him.

  “I love you,” Diego whispered as he took her in his arms. “Forever will never be long enough for me.”

  “That’s exactly what Amber said,” she exclaimed.

  “Never mind Amber. She has her own love story with Alexei. This one is strictly confined to you and me.

  “Forever and always?” Celina suggested as Diego held her tightly against his hard, masculine frame.

  “I love you, and I always will,” he replied, adding with the wicked look that only he could do so well. “And forever begins right now.”

  More on Susan’s books at:





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  About The Author

  Susan Stephens is a USA TODAY best selling author, translated into 23 languages and published in 114 international markets around the world with sales of more than 9 million books.

  A professional singer and television presenter before meeting her husband on the tiny Mediterranean island of Malta, in true romance style, they met on Monday, were engaged that Friday, and married three months later.

  The family’s menagerie consists of dogs, cats, horses, a donkey, any stray animal that pops by for a cuddle or a longer stay, together with a wonderful husband, three terrific children, and five edible grandchildren.

  Susan enjoys entertaining, travel, and going to the theatre. To relax, she reads, cooks, plays the piano—and when she’s had enough of relaxing, she throws herself off mountains on skis, or gallops through the countryside singing loudly.

  Other books by Susan Stephens

  Coming soon in the Blood and Thunder series...

  Book 4 Brazilian Unleashed

  Harlequin Presents...

  A Diamond For Del Rio’s Housekeeper

  The Sicilian’s Defiant Virgin

  Coming soon...The Secret Kept From The Greek

  The Ladies Club series...

  Christmas At The Ladies Club

  Valentine’s Night At The Ladies Club

  Hot Spring Nights At The Ladies Club

  The Bride Wore Red At The Ladies Club